My system configuration files and the process of creating them.
A few months ago, I became aware of the trend of uploading one’s system configuration files to GitHub. One thing about me is that I love over-configuring things, so I immediately jumped on this idea and started crafting my own dotfiles repo. In the process, I learned a ton about Unix, zsh, bash, Lua, Git, Neovim, the macOS file system, Makefiles, and a lot of other useful things that I think will help me in the future as a developer and keep my system fresh.
To copy and paste from the repo’s README, my dotfiles feature:
- a makefile to automatically set up a system
- automatic installation of homebrew formulae, casks, and vscode extensions through homebrew-bundle
- some automatic macos system settings configuration and dock setup
- custom dotfiles terminal command for maintenance
- automatic symlinking of configuration files using stow
- configurations for:
- git
- karabiner, to remap caps lock
- neovim
- sketchybar, based on feliz kratz’s dotfiles configuration
- skhd
- starship
- topgrade, used in the dotfiles command
- vscode, including extensive latex support with latex-workshop/hypersnips, and lots of other extensions
- theme: vitesse dark soft
- wezterm
- theme: gruvbox dark
- yabai, which integrates with sketchybar
- zsh
Worth nothing is that I tested the configuration on a virtual machine using UTM, and it worked exactly as intended.
My dotfiles can be found here: